Monday, May 12, 2008

Internet via WM6 device on Linux (USB)

This article shows how to use a Windows Mobile 5/6 device’s GPRS connecton with USB cable on Linux. The ‘conventional’ way is to use the /dev/ttyUSB device as a regular modem but since we are quite off the dial-up era we want to connect in a more modern way.

Microsoft provides a Remote NDIS stack, a derivative of the original USB communications device class  CDC to connect usb devices. It can be used in linux with the rndis_host kernel module. To avoid patching your kernel there is a simple way to get an internet connection.

svn co

cd usb-rndis-lite/
sudo ./
sudo make install

Now just plug in the USB cable and connect your device to the network through the Network sharing menu. Voila )