Thursday, April 12, 2007

Free Internet access for LAN users

Many Internet Service Providers which offer internet access via local area networks (LAN) have very basic user authentication, they distinguish their users only on MAC/IP address pair basis. Of course many use more complex techniques based on PPPoE, PPTP, VLAN, port security; this article does not apply to them.Since the MAC address of the network interface card (NIC) can be easily changed this could lead to account hijacking in no time. The only condition is thay you have to know the MAC and IP addresses of an existing computer in your network.

Fortunately the Ethernet protocol which is used in LAN makes both addresses public and anyone whithin the same ethernet segment can see them. That’s why I wrote a script which automates the gathering process and writes all the MAC/IP pairs to a text file. This file is used as a database for another script which autmatically sets one of the pairs to your NIC.


  • Download

  • Uncompress it using # tar xvzf fisp-0.3.tar.gz; cd fisp

  • Edit the file and put in the @networks list the IP networks of your ISP (you can easily see them with tcpdump). In the $db variable set the filename where the gathered information will be stored or you can leave it by default.

  • Execute (It is recommended to put it in a cron job or startup script), it will find the computers in the specified networks which are online.

  • Now execute the script. It will get the first entry (or the first random one if used with -r option) and set your NIC’s MAC and IP addresses and the gateway. Then it will check if internet connection is present and if this fails it will go to the next entry in the db file and repeat the process. If you use the -c option then the script will exit if it finds existing internet connection.

Note: The script assumes that the gateway address ends with of the same network, if in your case this is different you have to change it in the source.

And that’s it. Enjoy )

Friday, April 6, 2007

Cracking WEP in less than 60 seconds

Erik Tews, Andrei Pychkine and Ralf-Philipp Weinmann from the technical university Darmstadt in Germany found even better way to crack WEP. Quoting:

“We were able to extend Klein’s attack and optimize it for usage against WEP. Using our version, it is possible to recover a 104 bit WEP key with probability 50% using just 40,000 captured packets. For 60,000 available data packets, the success probability is about 80% and for 85,000 data packets about 95%. Using active techniques like deauth and ARP re-injection, 40,000 packets can be captured in less than one minute under good condition. The actual computation takes about 3 seconds and 3 MB main memory on a Pentium-M 1.7 GHz and can additionally be optimized for devices with slower CPUs. The same attack can be used for 40 bit keys too with an even higher success probability.

More information and a proof-of-concept tool is available at